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Web wonder proves a prize winner for budding Springwood photographer

A dose of sibling rivalry has come in handy for a student at Springwood - part of the West Norfolk Academy Trust - after spurring him on to success in a photography competition.

Year Seven student James Cliftont’s photo of a dewdrop-encrusted cobweb was rewarded as Highly Commended in the intermediate category of the competition, organised by the Cambridge Camera Club, and Campkins Cameras, together with representatives of the Rotary Club of Cambridge.

“I only entered because my older brother entered the competition, and I wanted to beat him – and I did,” admitted James. “It was an early morning photo, taken on common land near our house, which is our usual dog walking route. 

"As a family we’re doing a virtual Land’s End to John O’Groats walk, plotting our progress online, and also taking lots of photos along the way, so we have a record of the miles we’ve covered, in all seasons.

“The countryside round here is beautiful, so there are always great shots to be had when we’re out walking."

His photographic efforts so far have earned him a certificate, which he will receive when lockdown measures allow, and there are plans for an exhibition of the competition’s winning photos to take place at the Grand Arcade shopping centre in Cambridge later in the year.