Celebrations at St Clement's after Gold Artsmark Award
Students and staff at St Clement's have been celebrating this week after receiving a prestigious Gold Artsmark Award.
The school - part of the West Norfolk Academies Trust - has worked very hard to develop their arts and culture provision through the curriculum and involved the entire school.
They were supported by Festival Bridge, part of the Norfolk and Norwich Festival Trust, which works in the area supporting and developing arts and culture.
“We are extremely proud to have achieved the Artsmark Gold Award,” said headteacher Mr Willingham. "It is great to receive recognition for the fantastic work of our arts subjects. Visitors often comment on the high quality of the work produced by our students."
An Artsmark assessor commended St Clement's for their rich arts offer along with a strong curriculum for the subjects in Key Stage 3 and 4. Uptake in arts subjects at St Clement's is also well above the national average.
He also commented on St Clement's investment in additional clubs and enrichment opportunities - with regular trips and workshops to expand learning and offer richer experiences for students.
“I would like to congratulate St Clement’s High School on their Artsmark Award," said Dr Darren Henley, Chief Executive of the Arts Council. "It demonstrates that through offering a broad, balanced and creative curriculum, young people have the opportunity to develop character and resilience, increasing their knowledge, curiosity and skills that will remain with them through to adult life,”