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WNAT pupils get active at Lynnsport

Youngsters from a WNAT school tested their physical skills with a host of diverse activities when they participated in two different events at Lynnsport.

First it was the turn of Year 6 pupils at West Lynn Primary School, ten of whom took part in an Ultimate Frisbee challenge, which was part of a six-sport Omnes Games package at the sports centre.

Organised by Alive West Norfolk and King’s Lynn Community Football, in association with West Norfolk Schools Sports Partnership (WNSSP), the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk, and the College of West Anglia, previous activities in the series this year had included Handball, Dodgeball, Speed Stacking, Volleyball, and New Age Kurling.

“Omnes Games engages pupils who may not regularly take part in sport to try new and different sports in a fun and safe environment, while competing against other local schools,” explained Becky Tuvey, PE Coordinator at West Lynn.

Next, 15 Year 1 and 2 pupils from the school enjoyed an Active Kids Festival at the venue, which was also run by WNSSP, and where they were joined by children from fellow WNAT primary schools Clenchwarton and Walpole Cross Keys.

“The school takes part in three Active Kids events across the year, so all the children in both Year 1 and 2 classes get a go,” continued Miss Tuvey.

“Active Kids provide a range of activities for the children involving key fundamental skills, including throwing, catching, jumping, running et cetera.

“All of these events are part of an offer to the whole school to ensure children have the opportunities to experience a range of sporting events and develop their skills and knowledge, both in competitive and developmental sporting scenarios.”