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Marshland students turn back time at summer concert

Iconic numbers from Britney Spears, Cyndi Lauper and Belinda Carlisle topped the bill when students at Marshland High School drew on the 80s and 90s as inspiration for their annual summer performance.

Around 50 pupils took part in the concert, performing to some 120 guests in the main hall.

“Our Year 10 pupils chose the main musical theme,” explained Head of Music, Aaron Hester. 

“Students performed some bangers from the 80s and 90s, including ‘Baby One More Time’ by Britney Spears, ‘Heaven is a Place on Earth’ by Belinda Carlisle and ‘True Colors’ by Cyndi Lauper.”

Other highlights of the show included Marshland’s Year 11 band set, the choir’s performance of  ‘Under the Sea’ – featuring eye-catching costumes and solos from several of the school’s singing students.

“We have run termly concerts for the last six years, including Christmas, Easter and Summer,” continued Mr Hester.

“My role has always been to promote the love of performing and encourage as many of our pupils to take part as possible in all areas. As well as facilitating rehearsals and technical stage set-up, I also do the main hosting at the start of the evening,” he said.

Both he and the students were supported by music teacher Kevin Bell, who coached the soloists and choir, and was also responsible for sound quality during the event.

Other members of staff from Marshland supervised the sale and checking of tickets, and management of the green room, as well as overseeing the provision of refreshments.

“Our school shows and music concerts are integral to our ever-growing culture of performing arts at Marshland and the Trust as a whole,” added Mr Hester. 

“Our music concerts are always primarily pupil-led, and pupils controlled the mixing desk, welcomed guests, ushered performers to the stage from the green room, and provided backline technical support on stage too. It’s this abundance of opportunity and responsibility on offer to our pupils each year which makes our termly concerts so special.”