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Successful day in court for our students

Aspiring young lawyers from St Clement’s High School  have been celebrating in court when they won first place in a prestigious national mock trial contest.

The 13 Year 9 students were taking part in the Magistrates Mock Trial Competition, which required them to take on different roles in a legal case set by the Young Citizens Foundation, with marks awarded for each individual’s performance.

The first round took place at Great Yarmouth Court against other Norfolk schools, including fellow West Norfolk Academies Trust member Springwood High, while the final was held at Manchester Metropolitan University and featured semi-finalists from across the country.

WNAT’s Hayley Roberts, Director of Engagement, is also a Magistrate for the Norfolk Board and worked with our team to prepare them for the challenge. 

She explained: “The competition requires students to prepare for a specially written case, where they take on the roles of lawyers, witnesses, court staff and magistrates, and present the case live against other schools.

“Each student is marked out of ten on performance, and then it goes on the total score of each team, so each student is responsible for their role out of ten.

“The first round in March was a case about a defendant possessing an offensive weapon, and the final required them to present a case about a defendant being part of an eco-activist group, with a building being spray painted with graffiti when a rally got out of hand.

It was the first time the school had participated in the contest, making their success all the more remarkable.

“I feel there is no better way to introduce our younger generation to the world of criminal law,” continued Ms Roberts. 

“Learning about our judicial system first-hand is a fun and engaging way for our students to learn about the law. The fact that they have won all of the rounds is a bonus, and an experience that will stay with them for life.

“These students are going to progress onto the Barrister Mock Trial Competition for Years 10 to 13, as they will be too old for the Magistrates one – but a new team will fill their place in the Magistrates Competition.”