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Visit to WNAT by Sir Henry Bellingham

Sir Henry Bellingham visited Springwood High School and West Lynn Primary School as part of a tour of Academies within the West Norfolk Academies Trust

During his visit he had time to speak to students, staff, trustees and local governors

The team of Springwood students who won the regional final of the Barristers competition were in attendance. They enjoyed speaking to Sir Henry, who had enjoyed a legal career before entering parliament as an MP.

Sir Henry was treated to a performance by a string quartet. Springwood is proud to subsidise music lessons for all students who would like to learn a musical instrument. The school has a strong emphasis on both academic study and extra-curricular activities

Executive Headteacher, Andy Johnson said "It was a fantastic that Sir Henry took time out of his busy schedule to visit the Trust. I am very proud of the excellent students who met with him"

Chair of Trustees and the Springwood High School Chair of Governors said "It was great for the schools and the West Norfolk Academies Trust to be supported by our local member of parliament"

Sir Henry also visited West Lynn Primary School to see the improvements made since joining the West Norfolk Academies Trust.  He enjoyed a tour of the school and spoke to children and staff about the impending improvements to the building as the school moves to single-form entry.