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Class of 2024 feted at WNAT school

The graduating Class of 2024 returned to a WNAT secondary for a celebratory evening held to honour their achievements.

More than 100 of Springwood High School’s former Year 11 students gathered with staff, friends, and family in the school’s Peter Hopkins Hall in King’s Lynn for the Key Stage 4 Presentation Evening.

The cohort received their GCSE certificates at the annual event, where individual prizes were also presented for each subject, along with six additional achievement awards.

The Award for Best Academic Results went to Eva Kalabina; while the Award for Most Improved Student Over Key Stage 4 was presented to Harley Barlow; the Attendance Prize for the highest attendance over five years went to Oliver Oliveira; and the Pastoral Award for Most Improved Student was given to Eli McManus.

Other high-fliers receiving recognition for their achievements were Alfred Buhleman, who won the Jessica-Mae Prior Shield for Inspirational Courage, and Rachel September, who was awarded the Governors Plate for her service to the school.

Those celebrating the students’ successes, and making the presentations, included Executive Headteacher Andy Johnson, Chair of Governors Roger Livesey, and Senior Assistant Headteacher Rebecca Davies-Mays.

“The occasion is a fantastic opportunity to share in the joy of students’ GCSE results and to see what they have been up to since finishing their GCSEs,” said Mrs Davies-Mays.