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WNAT dancers impress at Festival

Dancers from three WNAT schools joined others from across West Norfolk to showcase their talents in the SSP (School Sport Partnership) Dance Festival, which took place at the King’s Lynn Corn Exchange on 18 June.

The event had a Disney theme, and was opened by a performance from Springwood High School, which was designed to inspire the younger performers.

“Each year Springwood is invited to perform as part of the opening inspirational act for both the morning and the afternoon show,” explained Dawn Paulo, who is Head of Dance at Springwood.

Year 9 students Olivia Gould and Robyn Marchetti performed a duet that they had choreographed themselves to the music from the Disneyland Paris Dream Shine Brighter Parade.

“The girls represented Springwood brilliantly with their professionalism and excellent dancing,” continued Mrs Paulo.

“The girls were even invited on stage at the end to lead approximately 50 primary school children in an improvisational dance finale.”

Dancers from Heacham Infant School and Walpole Cross Keys Primary also took to the stage at the show, entertaining an audience of around 100 people.

Thirteen Year 2 and 3 pupils from Walpole Cross Keys performed a routine to ‘A Friend Like Me’ from Aladdin, which had been choreographed for them by WNAT Dance Coach Kate Whyborn.

“The children were nervous and excited, but they thoroughly enjoyed the experience,” said Class Teacher Carol Jones, who was there to support the group.

“The highlights were seeing the children’s faces smiling and them enjoying themselves.”

“Events like this are really important, as they give the children confidence performing in front of an audience,” she added. “It involves them in a group, and gives them the opportunity to perform on stage.”